Ru-Stat: Export and import of Russia by goods and countries.

Export and import of Russia by goods and countries

Export from Moskovskaya oblast to Netherlands

«Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation»

«Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof / Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation, whether or not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including radiography or radiotherapy apparatus, X-ray tubes and other X-ray generators, high tension generators, control panels and desks, screens, examination or treatment tables, chairs and the like»

HS code: 9022

«January, 2021 - April, 2021»

The selection by country, direction, period, groups of goods
Period (available January, 2022)
Selection products

1. Consolidated information:

Export from Moskovskaya oblast to Netherlands goods from the group «Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation» for the period January, 2021 - April, 2021 amounted to <hidden>., total weight <hidden> tons and quantity <hidden> pc.
Mainly exported «X-ray tubes» (<hidden>%), «Other, including parts and accessories» (<hidden>%).
In the structure of exports by countries (goods from the group «Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation») at the first place Germany (<hidden>%), in second place Kazakhstan (<hidden>%). Netherlands for Russia is a partner number 12 with a share <hidden>%.

2. Total results by months

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January, 2021<hidden>
February, 2021<hidden>
March, 2021<hidden>
April, 2021<hidden>

3. Quantity, results by months

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PeriodQuantity, pc.
January, 2021<hidden>
February, 2021<hidden>
March, 2021<hidden>
April, 2021<hidden>

4. Weight, totals by months

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PeriodWeight, tons.
January, 2021<hidden>
February, 2021<hidden>
March, 2021<hidden>
April, 2021<hidden>

5. Structure of exports:

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Group productJan, 2021Apr, 2021Ch.∑ (Jan, 2021-Apr, 2021)Ratio
18 902212: Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, Computed tomography apparatus<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902213: Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, Other, for dental uses<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902214: Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, Other, for medical, surgical or veterinary uses<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902219: Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, For other uses<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902221: Apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiation, For medical, dental uses<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902229: Apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiation, For other uses<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902230: X-ray tubes<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 902290: Other, including parts and accessories<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%

6. Except for Netherlands, «Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation» is exported from Moskovskaya oblast in the following countries:

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Country∑ (Jan, 2021-Apr, 2021)Ratio
3United States<hidden><hidden>%
9Central African Republic<hidden><hidden>%
 The total for all countries:<hidden>100%

7. In addition to the Moskovskaya oblast «Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of alpha, beta or gamma radiation» is exported to Netherlands from the regions:

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Region∑ (Jan, 2021-Apr, 2021)Ratio
1Moskovskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
 By all regions:<hidden>100%
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