Ru-Stat: Export and import of Russia by goods and countries.

Export and import of Russia by goods and countries

Trade between Primorskiy kray and Taiwan

«Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments for measuring electrical quantities»

«Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof / Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments and apparatus for measuring or checking electrical quantities, excluding meters of heading 9028; instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other ionising radiation»

HS code: 9030

«2019 - 2019»

The selection by country, direction, period, groups of goods
Selection products

1. Consolidated information:

Trade between Primorskiy kray and Taiwan goods from the group «Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments for measuring electrical quantities» for the period 2019 - 2019 amounted to <hidden>., total weight <hidden> tons and quantity <hidden> pc.
The main turnover occurred in «instruments, for measuring voltage, resistance or power, Multimeters, without a recording device» (<hidden>%), «instruments, for measuring voltage, resistance or power, Other, without a recording device» (<hidden>%).
In the structure of trade turnover by country (goods from the group «Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments for measuring electrical quantities») at the first place China (<hidden>%), in second place Denmark (<hidden>%). Taiwan for Russia is a partner number 6 with a share <hidden>%.

2. Total results by years

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3. Quantity, results by years

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PeriodQuantity, pc.

4. Weight, totals by years

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PeriodWeight, tons.

5. The structure of trade:

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Group product20192019Ch.∑ (2019-2019)Ratio
18 903010: Instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting ionising radiation<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903020: Oscilloscopes and oscillographs<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903031: instruments, for measuring voltage, resistance or power, Multimeters, without a recording device<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903032: instruments, for measuring voltage, resistance or power, Multimeters, with a recording device<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903033: instruments, for measuring voltage, resistance or power, Other, without a recording device<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903039: instruments, for measuring voltage, resistance or power, Other, with a recording device<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903040: Other instruments and apparatus, specially designed for telecommunications <hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903082: Other instruments, For measuring or checking semiconductor wafers or devices<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903084: Other instruments, Other, with a recording device<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903089: Other instruments, Other<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
18 903090: Parts and accessories<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%

6. Primorskiy kray's trade by product «Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments for measuring electrical quantities» with other countries:

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Country∑ (2019-2019)Ratio
5Hong Kong SAR China<hidden><hidden>%
7South Korea<hidden><hidden>%
8United Kingdom<hidden><hidden>%
 The total for all countries:<hidden>100%

7. The trade turnover between Russia and Taiwan the commodity «Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other instruments for measuring electrical quantities» by region:

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Region∑ (2019-2019)Ratio
2Moskovskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
4Nijegorodskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
5Novosibirskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
6Chelyabinskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
7Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya<hidden><hidden>%
8Primorskiy kray<hidden><hidden>%
9Sahalinskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
10Sverdlovskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
11Leningradskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
13Tyumenskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
14Rostovskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
15Kaliningradskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
16Vladimirskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
17Udmurtskaya respublika<hidden><hidden>%
18Chukotskiy AO<hidden><hidden>%
 By all regions:<hidden>100%
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