Ru-Stat: Export and import of Russia by goods and countries.

Export and import of Russia by goods and countries

Trade between Sverdlovskaya oblast and China

«Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes»

«Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard / Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes»

HS code: 4813

«2019 - 2019»

The selection by country, direction, period, groups of goods
Selection products

1. Consolidated information:

Trade between Sverdlovskaya oblast and China goods from the group «Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes» for the period 2019 - 2019 amounted to <hidden>., total weight <hidden> tons.
The main turnover occurred in «Other» (<hidden>%).
In the structure of trade turnover by country (goods from the group «Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes») at the first place China (<hidden>%), in second place Kazakhstan (<hidden>%).

2. Total results by years

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3. Weight, totals by years

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PeriodWeight, tons.

4. The structure of trade:

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Group product20192019Ch.∑ (2019-2019)Ratio
10 481310: In the form of booklets or tubes<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
10 481320: In rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%
10 481390: Other<hidden><hidden><hidden>%<hidden><hidden>%

5. Sverdlovskaya oblast's trade by product «Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes» with other countries:

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Country∑ (2019-2019)Ratio
 The total for all countries:<hidden>100%

6. The trade turnover between Russia and China the commodity «Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes» by region:

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Region∑ (2019-2019)Ratio
1Leningradskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
3Yaroslavskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
4Bryanskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
5Kaliningradskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
6Primorskiy kray<hidden><hidden>%
8Zabaykalskiy kray<hidden><hidden>%
9Sverdlovskaya oblast<hidden><hidden>%
 By all regions:<hidden>100%
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