Ru-Stat: Export and import of Russia by goods and countries.

Export and import of Russia by goods and countries

Import to Ural federal district from France

«Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use»

«Textiles and textile articles / Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use»

HS code: 59

«2020 - 2020»

The selection by country, direction, period, groups of goods
Selection products

1. Consolidated information:

Import to Ural federal district from France goods from the group «Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use» for the period 2020 - 2020 amounted to $36.2 K., total weight 0.699 tons.
Mainly imported «Textile products and articles, for technical uses» (95%), «Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material» (5%).
In the structure of imports by country (goods from the group «Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use») at the first place China (57%), in second place Germany (14%). France for Russia is a partner number 11 with a share 0.4%.

2. Total results by years

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2020$36.2 K
Total:$36.2 K

3. Weight, totals by years

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PeriodWeight, tons.

4. Structure of imports:

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Group product20202020Ch.∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
11 5901: Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances------------0%
11 5902: Tyre cord fabric of high-tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides, polyesters or viscose rayon$36$360%$360.1%
11 5903: Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics------------0%
11 5904: Linoleum------------0%
11 5905: Textile wall coverings------------0%
11 5906: Rubberised textile fabrics, other than those of heading 5902------------0%
11 5907: Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered------------0%
11 5908: Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like------------0%
11 5909: Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing------------0%
11 5910: Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material$1.89 K$1.89 K0%$1.89 K5.2%
11 5911: Textile products and articles, for technical uses$34.3 K$34.3 K0%$34.3 K94.7%
Total:$36.2 K$36.2 K$36.2 K

5. Except for France, «Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use» is imported into Ural federal district from the following countries:

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Country∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
1China$5.1 M57.4%
2Germany$1.2 M13.6%
3Spain$1.1 M12.5%
4Moldova$382 K4.3%
5Italy$343 K3.8%
6United States$269 K3%
7Belarus$111 K1.2%
8Kazakhstan$95.1 K1.1%
9Netherlands$75 K0.8%
10Poland$39.6 K0.4%
11France$36.2 K0.4%
12Belgium$29.8 K0.3%
13Switzerland$23.3 K0.3%
14Czech Republic$20.2 K0.2%
15Slovenia$12.7 K0.1%
16Austria$8.85 K0.1%
17United Kingdom$8.24 K0.1%
18Colombia$7.38 K0.1%
19Slovakia$1.62 K0%
 The total for all countries:$8.9 M100%

6. In addition to the Ural federal district «Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use» are imported from France to the regions:

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Region∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
1Moskva$1.4 M42.4%
2Sankt-Peterburg$494 K14.8%
3Saratovskaya oblast$247 K7.4%
4Nijegorodskaya oblast$194 K5.8%
5Penzenskaya oblast$172 K5.1%
6Tulskaya oblast$135 K4%
7Voronejskaya oblast$120 K3.6%
8Moskovskaya oblast$99.1 K3%
9Ryazanskaya oblast$69.5 K2.1%
10Belgorodskaya oblast$56.6 K1.7%
11Kurskaya oblast$53.4 K1.6%
12Lipeckaya oblast$43.5 K1.3%
13Novosibirskaya oblast$41.6 K1.2%
14Volgogradskaya oblast$38.3 K1.1%
15Samarskaya oblast$34.7 K1%
16Irkutskaya oblast$25 K0.7%
17Chelyabinskaya oblast$24.1 K0.7%
18Novgorodskaya oblast$21.8 K0.7%
19Krasnoyarskiy kray$17.4 K0.5%
20Krasnodarskiy kray$9.02 K0.3%
 By all regions:$3.3 M100%
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