Ru-Stat: Export and import of Russia by goods and countries.

Export and import of Russia by goods and countries

Import to Primorskiy kray from New Zealand

«Machine tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal»

«Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof / Machine tools (including way-type unit head machines) for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, other than lathes (including turning centres) of heading 8458»

HS code: 8459

«2020 - 2020»

The selection by country, direction, period, groups of goods
Selection products

1. Consolidated information:

Import to Primorskiy kray from New Zealand goods from the group «Machine tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal» for the period 2020 - 2020 absent.
In the structure of imports by country (goods from the group «Machine tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal») at the first place China (<hidden>%), in second place Canada (<hidden>%).

2. Total results by years

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3. Except for New Zealand, «Machine tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal» is imported into Primorskiy kray from the following countries:

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Country∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
3United States<hidden><hidden>%
4South Korea<hidden><hidden>%
 The total for all countries:<hidden>100%
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