Ru-Stat: Export and import of Russia by goods and countries.

Export and import of Russia by goods and countries

Export from Ivanovskaya oblast to Ukraine


«Textiles and textile articles / Cotton»

HS code: 52

«2020 - 2020»

The selection by country, direction, period, groups of goods
Selection products

1. Consolidated information:

Export from Ivanovskaya oblast to Ukraine goods from the group «Cotton» for the period 2020 - 2020 amounted to $6.1 M., total weight 1.88 K tons.
Mainly exported «Woven fabrics of cotton, containing >85% by weight of cotton, weighing <200 g/m²» (70%), «Woven fabrics of cotton, containing <85 % by weight of cotton, weighing >200 g/m²» (9%).
In the structure of exports by countries (goods from the group «Cotton») at the first place Belarus (35%), in second place Ukraine (24%).

2. Total results by years

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2020$6.1 M
Total:$6.1 M

3. Weight, totals by years

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PeriodWeight, tons.
20201.88 K
Total:1.88 K

4. Structure of exports:

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Group product20202020Ch.∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
11 5201: Cotton, not carded or combed------------0%
11 5202: Cotton waste ------------0%
11 5203: Cotton, carded or combed------------0%
11 5204: Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale------------0%
11 5205: Cotton yarn , containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale------------0%
11 5206: Cotton yarn , containing <85 % by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale------------0%
11 5207: Cotton yarn put up for retail sale------------0%
11 5208: Woven fabrics of cotton, containing >85% by weight of cotton, weighing <200 g/m²$4.3 M$4.3 M0%$4.3 M70.2%
11 5209: Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, weighing >200 g/m²$511 K$511 K0%$511 K8.3%
11 5210: Woven fabrics of cotton, containing <85 % by weight of cotton, weighing <200 g/m²$180 K$180 K0%$180 K2.9%
11 5211: Woven fabrics of cotton, containing <85 % by weight of cotton, weighing >200 g/m²$572 K$572 K0%$572 K9.3%
11 5212: Other woven fabrics of cotton$567 K$567 K0%$567 K9.2%
Total:$6.1 M$6.1 M$6.1 M

5. Except for Ukraine, «Cotton» is exported from Ivanovskaya oblast in the following countries:

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Country∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
1Belarus$8.7 M34.5%
2Ukraine$6.1 M24.3%
3Kazakhstan$4.1 M16.3%
4Serbia$1.7 M6.6%
5Italy$1.2 M4.9%
6Moldova$547 K2.2%
7Armenia$545 K2.2%
8Azerbaijan$520 K2.1%
9Lithuania$510 K2%
10Hungary$273 K1.1%
11Czech Republic$208 K0.8%
12Romania$207 K0.8%
13Estonia$130 K0.5%
14Kyrgyzstan$101 K0.4%
15Greece$81.6 K0.3%
16Bosnia and Herzegovina$63.1 K0.2%
17Slovakia$58.3 K0.2%
18Latvia$49.7 K0.2%
19United Arab Emirates$45.2 K0.2%
20Mongolia$27.9 K0.1%
 The total for all countries:$25.3 M100%

6. In addition to the Ivanovskaya oblast «Cotton» is exported to Ukraine from the regions:

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Region∑ (2020-2020)Ratio
1Ivanovskaya oblast$6.1 M59.2%
2Rostovskaya oblast$2.7 M25.9%
3Belgorodskaya oblast$528 K5.1%
4Vladimirskaya oblast$189 K1.8%
5Permskiy kray$185 K1.8%
6Ryazanskaya oblast$142 K1.4%
7Voronejskaya oblast$113 K1.1%
8Chelyabinskaya oblast$97.9 K0.9%
9Moskva$83.9 K0.8%
10Kurskaya oblast$69.5 K0.7%
11Lipeckaya oblast$36.6 K0.4%
12Sankt-Peterburg$32.4 K0.3%
13Altayskiy kray$32.3 K0.3%
14Smolenskaya oblast$23.8 K0.2%
15Astrahanskaya oblast$7.41 K0.1%
16Tatarstan$2.97 K0%
17Krasnodarskiy kray$1.3 K0%
18Volgogradskaya oblast$1.2 K0%
 By all regions:$10.4 M100%
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